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Acht junge Einwanderer versuchen in New York City der unterdrückten Kontrolle des Mannes zu entkommen, welcher sie durch einen höchst ungewöhnlichen Einwanderungsbetrug ins Land gebracht hat.

Statement der Regisseure und Autoren:

I am Emmy, writer/actor/producer and the director of SWANS.

SWANS uses true and account and fairy tale to tell the story of eight young immigrants in New York City.

Everything about the way this film came together is fairly unbelievable. I came to New York City as a foreigner more or less in exile in 2012 and the community that I now have here enabled SWANS to have a diverse (and frankly, crushingly lovable) cast and crew, cool locations all over the city and a soundtrack made up exclusively of badass local bands. It started as a personal story but the project changed significantly when I outgrew the idea that I was the only one suffering the dehumanizing effect of immigration angst.


In fact, as the film went into production, this fact became heavy at times. At this moment, nearly every person involved in the film is struggling with visa issues and four of our number have been forced to leave the United States, abandoning the communities/careers that they have built during their time here. - Emmy Harris, Shoestring Eagle



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