Dog Sees God
Als "nicht autorisierte Fortsetzung" interpretiert das Stück die Charaktere aus dem beliebten Comic 'Peanuts' als entartete Teenager neu. Drogenkonsum, sexueller Kindesmissbrauch, Selbstmord, Essstörungen, Gewalt gegen Jugendliche, Rebellion, sexuelle Beziehungen und Identität gehören zu den Themen, die in dieser Parodie der Werke von Charles M. Schulz behandelt werden.
Statement der Regisseure und Autoren:
As first time directors, we were lucky enough to have a cast that we knew well and had been working amongst for the past two years. Knowing each of their strengths and trusting their instincts was a key element of the rehearsal process and what in turn lead to a successful and thriving production.
It was a hugely fulfilling project, which our actors threw themselves into 100%, and our audience members showed tremendous support towards, which we are truly grateful for. We are humbled and thrilled to say this production marked the beginning of a world of possibilities to come for Oneiros Collective. - Minna Moynahan & Giovani Sandoval, Oneiros Collective
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